
Toontown offline v2 miniserver
Toontown offline v2 miniserver

toontown offline v2 miniserver

~minigame force *trolley game* (your game next) ~minigame request *trolley game* (hope for your game next) ~spooky (darkens the current area you are in) ~factoryWarp *factory zone ID* (only works in factory) ~warp (warps selected user/object to yourself, useless solo) ~target (states info on who you have selected, yourself if nothing is selected) ~zone *location ID* (wrong ID will crash the game most often) ~pingpong *emotion* *start frame* *end frame* *body part* (start, end, and part at optional) ~pose *emotion* *frame number* *body part* (leave body part blank to pose completely) (0-3)Ĭog type is the respective bot from the brand.

toontown offline v2 miniserver

When counting yourself, 0 = 1.Ĭog brand is Bossbot, Lawbot, Cashbot, Sellbot. It goes from top to bottom and left to right. ~suit invasionend *number* (requires any number after it to work)īest place to see the order of cogs is your sticker book.

toontown offline v2 miniserver

~suit invasion *cog brand* *cog type* *isSkeleCog* *isV2* *isWaiter* ~suit spawn *cogType* *isSkeleCog* *isV2* *isWaiter* ~givePies *0-7* *-1-99* (Pie 6 is invalid, and -1 amount gives unlimited) ~trophyScore *number* (Building floors for stars) ~inventory restock *gagTrack* (Leave gagTrack blank to restock all, if you type in numbers instead of names, 0-6 gives you the corresponding level for all gags. ~inventory reset *gagTrack* (Leave gagTrack blank to lose all gags, if you type in numbers instead of names, 0-6 takes out the corresponding level for all gags) ~ghost (transparent, uninteractable, walk through walls and doors) ~unlocks (Teleport access, all emotes, all doodle phrases) ~gravity *number* (No message verification, just jump to see. ~sos *1-100* *SOS name* ("magic cat" and "trap cat" are SOS options) ~badName (revokes your name back too " ") ~dna restore *save number* (reloads the look of your toon back to how it was saved) ~dna save *save number* (save current look of your toon) ~dna gloves *color* (Only color that works is 0, which is white) ~dna headsize *0-4* (changes the characteristics of your head, not it's actual size) ~dna color 0 (White, but only work for bears) ~dna color 26 (Black, but only works for cats) ~ban *username* (Says "You can't ban yourself.", no matter the name) ~kick *username* (Says "You can't kick yourself.", no matter the name) ~accessLevel *moderation title* (Turns players into mods, admins, etc., useless for yourself) ~system *Message* (Global whisper message) ~glasses *0-21* *number* (number = texture) ~backpack *0-24* *number* (number = texture) ~maxToon *gag you don't want* (Leave gag spot blank to get all gags) Using "~~"before a command sets it to be done to the targeted player/object. Using "~" before a command sets it to be done to yourself. RAW Paste Data This the the complete list of ALL commands within the game currently.

Toontown offline v2 miniserver